度坛认跋 |
栏妄池、陕妄池、栏湿步池、尸灰栏湿池、バイオ板池供镍、桔茨达柒彩、钙帝达柒彩、蔷嘲彩、坷沸嘲彩... |
挑妄池、魄妄池、挑墒步池、挑墒尸老池、挑恨池、澜恨借数および祷窖、付瘟ˇ输恨の统丸および墒剂答... |
IEC∈柜狠排丹筛洁柴的∷鼠桂、レントゲン怠达、亩不侨怠达、MRI、CT、钙帝怠、缝闭爵步脱怠... |
柜狠柴的、甫垫皮侠柴、钳柴柴的の附眷奶条、票箕奶条、斌调违柴的溯条、鼻咙获瘟、络柴的泣镍溯条、... |
翻译技巧学习 |
嵮?丗杏林医联丂丂 ?晍??丗2007-08-30丂丂??師悢丗2510師 |
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1. 补充并列句中省略的词(或成分)
Much can be ascertained by inspection of the stool; thus the pale, slimy, fatty stool indicates fat indigestion, the curdy stool (indicates) protein indigestion, while the pale, frothy stool results from excess of sugar.
The patient’s trachea should he opened as soon as possible and the foreign body (should be) removed at once.
病人的气管应尽快切开,异物应立即取出(补充should be)。
In other words, an atom of chlorine will combine with one hydrogen atom, an atom of oxygen (will combine) with two (hydrogen atom),an atom of nitrogen (will combine) with three (hydrogen atoms),and an atom of carbon (will combine) with four (hydrogen atoms).
换句话说,一个氯原子会与一个氢原子化合,一个氧原子会与两个氢原子化合,一个氮原子会与三个氢原子化合,而一个碳原子会与四个氢原子化合(第二、三、四分句中均省略了will combine和hydrogen atoms,译文均予补充)。
Some diseases are communicated from man to man on1y; some, from animal to man; some , from man to animal and from animal back to man; and some, from animal to animal only.
有些病只在人与人之间传播,有些病是从动物传到人,有些病则从人传到动物,又从动物传回到人,而有些病则仅在动物之间传播(第二、三、四分句中some后均用逗号代替了省略的diseases are communicated等词,译文均予补充)。
This time the experiment failed and (it was) a good thing too, for it enabled us to realize our shortcomings.
这次实验失败了,但〔这〕也是好事,它使我们明白了自己的不足(补充it was,但it也可免译)。
In most cases there are three main pile masses, one (is) situated anteriorly, the others (are situated) posterolaterally.
During the period of convalescence, activity should be restricted for 10-14 days and exposure to sunlight (should be) avoided.
For one engaged in a sedentary occupation, this extra energy requirement rises to from 30-40 percent above basal; for one at moderately active muscular work, (this extra energy requirement rises to from) 40-80 percent (above basal); and for one at hard muscular work, (this extra energy requirement rises to from) 80-200 percent (above basal).
Antibody levels against a soluble antigen of the virus are measured by complement fixation; (antibody levels) against the virus itself (are measured) by agglutination inhibition, or by neutralization in vivo.
2. 补充复合句中省略的词(或成分)
When such organisms gain entrance to the tissues, they grow and thrive unless (they are) clrecked by the forces of the circulation that appose them.
当这类细菌进人组织后,如果循环中的对抗力量不能够阻抑它们,细菌就会生长和繁殖(省略的they are予以补充)。
Whatever its cause (may be),the management of the anorexia requires psychological support and good preparation of food.
When the patient with regional enteritis complains of the symptoms arising from disaccharidase dificiency, the clinician should be alert to evaluate an elimination diet starting with lactose containing components and consider diagnostic studies using tolerance tests and/or enzyme analyses of small bowel mucosa, if (it is) available.
So great is the reserve of the body that the heart, even though (the heart is) enlarged, if taken proper care of will perform its allotted task creditably.
Biopsies, although (they are) inconclusive, are definite1y worthwhile.
This is such a common place occurrence that there is a rule of thumb that any convulsion occurring after the age of thirty years should be regarded as brain tumor until (the convulsion is) proved otherwise.
While not all would be suffering ill-effects of drug administration, a significant proportion would be (suffering ill-effects of drug administration).
(引自:医学情报工作,2001(01):54-56) |