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己傍角利 |
翻译词汇下载 |
临床词汇 |
儿科 |
English |
中文 |
English |
中文 |
acute military tuberculosis of the lung |
急性粟粒性肺结核 |
nutritional megaloblastic anemia |
营养性巨幼细胞性贫血 |
acute necrotic enteritis |
急性坏死性结肠炎 |
obesity in Childhood |
小儿肥胖 |
anaphylactic purpura |
过敏性紫癜 |
Omphalus |
脐带 |
ancylostomiasis |
钩虫病 |
organs of voicing |
发音器官 |
ascariasis |
蛔虫病 |
Ovigerm Stage |
胚卵期 |
asphyxia of the newborn |
新生儿窒息 |
Paediatrics |
儿科 |
atrial septal defect |
房间隔缺损 |
patent ductus arteriosis |
动脉导管未闭 |
birth injury |
产伤 |
Pediatrics |
儿科学 |
Bottle-Feeding |
人工喂养 |
Perinatal stage |
围产期 |
Breast Feeding |
母乳喂养 |
permanent teeth |
恒牙 |
Breast-bottle-feeding |
代授法 |
Physique growth |
体格生长 |
Cartilaginous ossification |
软骨骨化 |
poliomyelitis |
骨髓灰质炎 |
cephalhematoma |
头颅血肿 |
Post term Infant |
过期产儿 |
Child care |
儿童保健 |
Premature |
早产儿 |
Component of Mother’s Milk |
母乳的成分 |
Premature |
早产 |
Congenital Anomaly of Digestive Tract |
消化道先天畸形 |
premature infant |
早产儿 |
Congenital Dysbolism |
先天性代谢障碍 |
primary tuberculosis |
原发性肺结核 |
congenital torticollis |
先天性斜颈 |
progressive muscular dystrophy |
进行性肌肉营养不良 |
deciduous teeth |
乳牙 |
pulmonary stenosis |
肺动脉狭窄 |
Down’s syndrome |
唐氏综合症 |
purulent meningitis |
化脓性脑膜炎 |
Embryo Stage |
胚胎期 |
rickets |
佝偻病 |
eruption |
(乳牙)萌出 |
School age |
学龄期 |
excretion of meconium |
胎粪排出 |
sepsis of the newborn |
新生儿败血症 |
Fetal Stage |
胎儿期 |
Subperiosteum ossification |
骨膜下成骨 |
hemophilia |
血友病 |
summit of growth |
生长高峰 |
Infancy |
婴儿期 |
Supplemental Feeding |
补授法 |
infantile diarrhea |
婴儿腹泻 |
Term Infant |
足月儿 |
Infants’ feeding |
婴儿喂养 |
tetanus of the newborn |
新生儿破伤风 |
infectious disease |
小儿传染病 |
tetralogy of Fallot |
法洛四联症 |
Instruction of solid food |
添加辅食 |
The Introduction of solid food |
辅食添加 |
intracranial hemorrhage of the newborn |
新生儿颅内出血 |
The period when children grow rapidly |
生长发育迅速的时期 |
intussusception |
肠套叠 |
thrush |
鹅口疮,真菌性口炎 |
Malnutrition |
营养不良 |
Toddler Period |
幼儿期 |
mother’s condition |
孕母情况 |
Twins or Multiplets |
双胎或多胎 |
Motor development |
运动发育 |
varicella |
水痘 |
necrotic enterocolitis of newborn |
新生儿坏死性小肠结膜炎 |
ventricular septal defect |
室间隔缺损 |
neonatal jaundice |
新生儿黄疸 |
viral encephalitis |
病毒性脑炎 |
Neonatal Period |
新生儿期 |
viral myocarditis |
病毒性心肌炎 |
Neonatal Screening |
新生儿筛查 |
Weaning |
断奶 |
nutritional iron deficiency anemia |
营养性缺铁性贫血 |
| |