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临床词汇 |
皮肤科 |
English |
中文 |
English |
中文 |
acne |
痤疮 |
nodule |
结节 |
acroscleroderma |
肢端硬皮症 |
ointment |
软膏 |
acute eczema |
急性湿疹 |
overlapping connective tissue disease |
重叠结缔组织病 |
acute urticaria |
急性荨麻疹 |
palmar and plantar pustula psoriasis |
掌跖脓疱型银屑病 |
allergic cutaneous vasculitis |
变应性皮肤血管炎 |
palmoplantar keratoderma |
掌跖角化病 |
allergic purpura |
过敏性紫癜 |
panniculitis |
脂膜炎 |
allergic systemic vasculitis |
变应性系统性血管炎 |
papular urticaria |
丘疹性荨麻疹 |
amphotericin B |
二性霉素B |
papule |
丘疹 |
angio--edema |
血管性水肿 |
papulovesicle |
丘疱疹 |
antihistaminics |
抗组胺药 |
parapsoriasis |
副银屑病 |
antimycotics |
抗真菌剂 |
paste |
糊剂 |
antipruritics |
止痒剂 |
patch |
斑片 |
antiseptics |
抗菌剂 |
patch test |
斑贴试验 |
antivirutics |
抗病毒剂 |
petechia |
瘀点 |
apocrine gland |
大汗腺 |
photoallergic reaction |
光变应性反应 |
astringent |
收敛剂 |
pityriasis rosea |
玫瑰糠疹 |
atopic dermatitis |
遗传过敏性皮炎 |
pityriasis simplex |
单纯糠疹 |
atrophic scar |
萎缩性疤痕 |
plaque |
斑块 |
atrophy of epidermis |
表皮萎缩 |
plaster |
硬膏 |
autosensitive dermatitis |
自体敏感性皮炎 |
plastic |
涂膜剂 |
azathioprine |
硫唑嘌呤 |
polymorphous light eruption |
多形性日光疹 |
basal cell layer |
基底层 |
powder |
粉剂 |
bed sore |
褥疮 |
primary syphilis |
初期梅毒,原发梅毒 |
Behcets syndrome |
口眼生殖器综合征 |
progressive systemic sclerosis(PSS) |
进行性系统性硬化病 |
bullae |
大疱 |
prurigo |
痒疹 |
bullae formation, vesiculation |
水疱形成 |
pruritus |
瘙痒症 |
bullous epidermal necrolysis |
大疱性表皮坏死松解症 |
psoriasis |
牛皮癣 |
Candida albicans |
白念珠菌 |
psoriasis |
银屑病,牛皮癣 |
carcinoma of skin |
皮肤癌 |
purpura |
紫癜 |
decubitus ulcer |
褥疮性溃疡 |
pustule |
脓疱 |
Dermatoloty |
皮肤科 |
radiodermatitis |
射线皮炎 |
drug eruption |
药皮疹 |
relapsing secondary syphilis |
二期复发梅毒 |
eczema |
湿疹 |
renal purpura |
肾型紫癜 |
herpes simplex |
单纯疱疹 |
scabies |
疥疮 |
herpes zoster |
带状疱疹 |
scale |
鳞屑 |
lupus erythematosis |
红斑狼疮 |
scar |
疤痕 |
milium |
粟丘疹 |
scarlatiniform erythema |
猩红热样红斑 |
mixed connective tissue disease,MCTD |
混合结缔组织病 |
urticaria |
荨麻疹 |
mycotic eczema |
真菌性湿疹 |
wart |
疣 | |