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己傍角利 |
翻译词汇下载 |
临床词汇 |
外科 |
English |
中文 |
English |
中文 |
abdominal external hernia |
腹外疝 |
intestinal obstruction |
肠梗阻 |
acute diffuse peritonitis |
急性弥漫性腹膜炎 |
intestinal tuberculosis |
肠结核 |
acute mastitis |
急性乳腺炎 |
lipoma |
脂肪瘤 |
acute pancreatitis |
急性胰腺炎 |
lithangiuria |
尿路结石 |
acute perforation of gastro-duodenal ulcer |
急性胃十二指肠溃疡穿孔 |
liver abscess |
肝脓肿 |
acute pyelonephritis |
急性肾盂肾炎 |
melanoma |
黑色素瘤 |
anal fissure |
肛裂 |
osseous tuberculosis |
骨结核 |
anal fistula |
肛瘘 |
osteoclastoma |
骨巨细胞瘤 |
anesthesia |
麻醉 |
osteoporosis |
骨质疏松症 |
angioma |
血管瘤 |
osteosarcoma |
骨质疏松症 |
appendicitis |
阑尾炎 |
osteosarcoma |
骨肉瘤 |
bleeding of gastro-duodenal ulcer |
胃十二指肠溃疡出血 |
Paget’s disease |
佩吉特病 |
bone tumour |
骨肿瘤 |
perianorecrtal abscess |
肛管直肠周围脓肿 |
breast adenoma |
乳房腺瘤 |
phlegmon |
蜂窝织炎 |
burn |
烧伤 |
portal hypertension |
门静脉高压 |
cancer of breast |
乳腺癌 |
prostatitis |
前列腺炎 |
carbuncle |
痈 |
protrusion of intervertebral disc |
椎间盘突出 |
carcinoma of colon |
结肠炎 |
purulent arthritis |
化脓性关节炎 |
carcinoma of esophagus |
食管癌 |
pyogenic ostcomyclitis |
化脓性骨髓炎 |
carcinoma of gallbladder |
胆囊癌 |
pyothorax |
脓胸 |
carcinoma of rectum |
直肠癌 |
rectal polyp |
直肠息肉 |
carcinoma of stomach |
胃癌 |
rheumatoid arthritis |
类风湿性关节炎 |
cervical spondylosis |
颈椎病 |
rupture of spleen |
脾破裂 |
cholecystitis |
胆囊炎 |
scapulohumeral periarthritis |
肩周炎 |
choledochitis |
胆管炎 |
Surgery |
外科 |
cholelithiasis |
胆石症 |
tenosynovitis |
腱鞘炎 |
chondroma |
软骨瘤 |
tetanus |
破伤风 |
dislocation of joint |
关节脱位 |
thromboangiitis |
血栓性脉管炎 |
erysipelas |
丹毒 |
thyroid adenocarcinoma |
甲状腺腺癌 |
fracture |
骨折 |
thyroid adenoma |
甲状腺腺瘤 |
furuncle |
疖 |
trauma |
创伤 |
hemorrhoid |
痔 |
urinary infection |
泌尿系感染 |
hemothorax |
血胸 |
varicose vein of lower limb |
下肢静脉曲张 |
hypertrophy of prostate |
前列腺肥大 |
| |